Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Creative Writing

Thursday, January 14 – Today in Creative Writing we had the return of a previous Creative Writing submission. One of the members who had submitted a poem about his sister’s struggle with a deadly disease submitted the same poem again this week. We took a few minutes to read trough the poem and gather our thoughts about it. We found that the poem had not been drastically altered but that there were a few subtle changes in some of the wording and some of the tenses and they seemed to make a very big difference. I commented on how I thought the poem flowed much more smoothly and how I thought the subject of the work could be more clearly understood. I also said that now that I had this understanding of the poem I really enjoyed it much more and realized what a good poem it was. Everyone else in the group seemed to feel the same way and we all agreed that the poem was much better.

Thursday 21 – Today there was no Creative Writing because of midterms.

Thursday 28 – Today I could not make it to Creative Writing because I had a doctor’s appointment during that time.

Thursday, February 4 – Today in Creative writing we got another very interesting submission. It was a cartoon which is not what we normally do in class because cartoons don’t usually involve much writing. However this cartoon was different because it had a lot of dialogue and the member who submitted it said that this was because it was part of a graphic novel which is a classification of cartoons that involves full and rich dialogue. I really enjoyed reading the submission because of its accompanying pictures. These illustrations allowed me to literally visualize what was happening in the story and I found that that helped me to understand and connect with the story better. I said that I thought it was very entertaining and that the only thing I would change is perhaps adding even more illustrations because that was my favorite part. All other members of the group enjoyed the cartoon as much as me and said they wanted to see more submissions like it.

Thursday, 11 – Today in Creative Writing we had a very good submission and I would definitely consider it one of my favorites. It was an interesting one because no one in the club had any idea what it was about, so much so that we didn't even attempt trying to guess. However we all loved it. It flowed so smoothly and the diction was so rich that it was like ear candy to read it out loud. It was audibly pleasing and it was the rhyme scheme and the meter and all the sounds of each word that made it that way. When we actually paid attention to the words however, none of us could figure out what they meant. I commented on how it was incredible that a poem could completely rely on its sound to be considered fantastic without ever understanding the meaning. We all agreed that it must ave been a difficult poem to write and we were all impressed.

Greek Club

Thursday, January 14 – Today there was no Greek Club because not enough people showed up for the class. Only two came and I have to assume this is because people were preparing for midterms next week.

Thursday, 21 – Today there was no Greek Club because of midterms.

Thursday, 28 – I could not make it to Greek Club today because I had to go to the first meeting of the Astrometrica project I am participating in. Therefore I assigned the job of teaching to my student who had been in the club the longest. I had been planning on grooming this person for the position of Greek Club teacher next year since I would be graduating, so I thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show him what it’s like. I gave him a list of everything I wanted him to cover in the class period which simply consisted of a review. I wanted them to review all the declensions and conjugations they had done so far because people were just getting back from midterms and I knew they had probably forgotten some things. I also gave him a list of vocabulary words and told him to pass them out and inform the class to study them because next week we would be translating a passage that involved these words.

Thursday, February 4 – Today I interrogated my Greek Students about last week’s class and how well the teacher had done. They seemed to agree that overall he did a very good job and covered all the material I asked him to. I was very proud and I felt that he was a good pick for taking over Greek Club next year. After this discussion I reminded people of the vocabulary list they had received last week and then gave them the passage that went along with it. We ended up translating about half the passage in the time we had and I was pleased with this because I had not let them use their vocabulary but made them translate from memory. I did this not only because it would help them internalize the vocabulary but I felt that it would allow them to focus more on identifying the endings of the Greek words and making connections to declensions and conjugations. I told them we would continue translating next week.

Thursday, 11 – Today in Greek Club we continued translating the passage we had gotten half way through in the previous week. Some students came to the club today that had not been to the two previous classes and therefore had not gotten the vocabulary list and had not translated the first half of the passage with us. So I gave these people some Greek vocabulary books and assigned them the job of looking up any words that we got stuck on while translating. We were able to completely finish translating the passage and I was particularly pleased because I noticed a definite improvement in my students’ ability to translate even from just last week.